
Sino-Russian relations: Historical secrets and modern ambitions
Sino-Russian relations: Historical secrets and modern ambitions
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace. Other debate posts can be found here. The day will come when we Russians will get back into bed…
Putin’s approach to Russian dissent won’t work forever
Putin’s approach to Russian dissent won’t work forever
The demonstrations that took place in dozens of Russian cities last month took everyone by surprise, in much the same way as the demonstrations of 2011-12. There are some…
China-Russia relationship key to the emerging world order
China-Russia relationship key to the emerging world order
Originally published in The Australian on 1 April 2017. Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace: What the China–Russia relationship means for the world is now…
The Russian Revolution, a century on
The Russian Revolution, a century on
A century ago today, Emperor Nicholas II, 'Tsar and Autocrat of all the Russias', pencilled his name to a document renouncing a throne three hundred years in his family's…
The petty bargain: Trump, Putin and the future of US-Russia relations
The petty bargain: Trump, Putin and the future of US-Russia relations
US President Donald Trump’s track record of praise for Russia’s Vladimir Putin appeared to presage a dramatic U-turn in US-Russian relations from hostility to partnership. This…
What's behind Russia's missile treaty violation?
What's behind Russia's missile treaty violation?
Earlier this week the New York Times broke a story that Russia is fielding new cruise missiles in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). This…
Why Russia's 'slapping law' is bad news for all of us
Why Russia's 'slapping law' is bad news for all of us
Russia is moving to decriminalise domestic violence. Dubbed the 'slapping law', the bill that decriminalises certain acts of domestic violence was introduced by conservative…
A grand bargain: What Russia now wants from the West
A grand bargain: What Russia now wants from the West
The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States of America has elicited thousands of lines of newsprint as academics, journalists and the wider public seek to make…
Russia's revolutionary centenary
Russia's revolutionary centenary
Russians are preparing for a New Year heavy with historical symbolism. A hundred years after their revolution, the French celebrated 1789 as year zero not only of the Republic…
Quick comment: Matthew Dal Santo on Russia-Turkey relations and the Karlov assassination
Quick comment: Matthew Dal Santo on Russia-Turkey relations and the Karlov assassination
In this quick comment, Russian scholar Matthew Dal Santo looks at how Russia-Turkey relations have changed in the last 12 months and why the shooting death of Russia's ambassador…